If you’re looking for techno-savvy or a beautifully packaged spot – this probably isn’t it. But – if you want a place to gather and openly/honestly discuss Scripture and its relevance to our lives today – pull up a chair and come as you are, inside & out (feel free to invite a friend/neighbor.)

for more info, email: neighborhoodstudies@gmail.com

D O W N L O A D   P D F

a study on being, receiving & living in blessing

Blessed. Not a subjective feeling of happiness but a declaration of an objective reality – “Blessed”. Blessed means happy, joy-filled, settled. Blessed is the receiving of Christ’s Shalom peace which he declared upon us by his action on the Cross.

In this study, we will be diving into Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount by looking back on the life of King David. Since Jesus’ rule is eternal and his action on the cross final (“It is finished.”), we will consider the life of David in light of the Beatitudes alongside God’s declarations in and through Isaiah and the Psalms.

You are valuable because you exist. Not because of what you do, or what you have done, but simply because you are. – Max Lucado

Neighorhood Study Originals — downloadable pdfs


summer 2020


summer 2017


summer 2017


summer 2015


summer 2013