If you’re looking for techno-savvy or a beautifully packaged spot – this probably isn’t it. But – if you want a place to gather and openly/honestly discuss Scripture and its relevance to our lives today – pull up a chair and come as you are, inside & out (feel free to invite a friend/neighbor.)

for more info, email: neighborhoodstudies@gmail.com




The questions God asks are an invitation, not an interrogation. He asks them not to enlighten himself, but to invite us into conversation and enlighten. As Jehovah (YHWH) he is self-existent – complete, all-knowing, without need or want, his questions aren’t for him, but for us.

In this we will consider 10 questions including “Where are you? . . .” asked to Adam & Eve; “Why are you so angry & why has your face fallen?” to Cain; “Where have you come from & where are you going?” to Hagar; “Why did Sarah laugh?… Is anything too hard for the LORD?” to Abraham and more.

Let’s listen, hear and receive a few of his them together. And encourage each other to be set free in light shown by them and life they bring.


Neighorhood Study Originals — downloadable pdfs


summer 2020


summer 2017


summer 2017


summer 2015


summer 2013