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Kay is a mom of five, former White House aide, International Capital Markets banker (because apparently at one point, she could add), entrepreneur (her Two Neighbors cookie mix graced the Epicurean shelves of Neiman Marcus), Neighborhood Studies founder (intersecting women, neighbors, & Bible study) and author of 4 books.
With candor and humor, she has tackled troubling societal issues such as youth entitlement in her first book (Cleaning House which reached top 25 Amazon Best Sellers and was featured on the TODAY Show), comparison-pressures in I’m Happy for You, Sort of… not really, stress-laden Overwhelmed in Not the Boss of Us and cultural/societal as well as inner-personal discord in her latest book The Peace Project: A 30-day Experiment Practicing Thankfulness, Kindness & Mercy (May 2021).
She regularly speaks, contributes and is has been featured on local, national and international platforms such as the TODAY show, Hallmark Home & Family, Focus on the Family, NY Times, Family Talk, Faith Radio, USA Radio and more. Before staying home with kids, Kay held positions at the White House, the Staubach Company, and Bank of America. Kay lives in the Dallas area with her husband, Jon, and their family.
Subscribe (left) & follow her on Instagram @kaywyma

Kay Wills Wyma is an author, blogger, video podcaster and mother of five. Kay writes on cultural & societal issues (such as entitlement, comparison, overwhelmed and now discord in her latest book The Peace Project) that impact family and friends. She regularly speaks, contributes and is a guest on local & national platforms having appeared on the TODAY Show, CNN, The New York Times, Focus on the Family, Hallmark Home & Family, and more. Before becoming a stay-at-home mom, she held positions at the White House, the Staubach Company, and Bank of America. Kay lives in the Dallas area with her husband, Jon, and their family.
(right click on photo to download headshot)